As Dust Dances 2/15ths

by Biffy Clyro

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 4:44 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary



Song Author

Simon Neil

Tabbed by



1st → voice
2nd → rhythm guitar
3rd → guitar
4th → keysoard
5th → bass guitar
6th → drumsssion

File Size

61 KB




there's a man on the cor-ner sell-ing do-sens of bones eve-ry type of bone ex-cept the one that i want ev-er think what your eyes do when you're try-ing to sleep? or where your tongue rests is it ag-ainst your teeth? now it's bigg-er than us it's bigg-er than eve-ry-thing it de-cides to touch as-leep is the sa-fest place you can be you can try hard to catch it it just catch-es you im-a-gine a came-ra com-ing up from your feet re-lax all your mus-cles son just hope your heart's in one piece and now it's bigg-er than us it's bigg-er than eve-ry-thing it de-cides to touch it's bigg-er than a ha-lo a de-vil an ang-el and a crow the bone's got the wrong de-tail i hoped it would have save for a shin bone or e-ven a hand such a lone-ly ride such a lone-ly ride such a lone-ly ride such a lone-ly ride such a lone-ly ride such a lone-ly ride such a lone-ly ride such a lone-ly ride now it's bigg-er than us it's bigg-er than eve-ry-thing it dec-ides to touch bone's got the wrong de- tail i hoped it would have for you save for a shin bone or e- ven a hand there's a man on the cor-ner sell-ing do-sens of bones eve-ry type of bone ex-cept the one that i want